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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

And A Happy Fourth of July To You, Too

There is something extremely comforting about being home today. Somehow, I’ve managed to spend the last three or four 4th of July’s everywhere but the big US of A. When you’re not in America, and no one is waving flags, lighting fireworks, or walking in parades wearing ridiculous red, white, and blue outfits, the holiday loses some of its edge.

But fear not, that edge was back today. The grocery store was filled with people buying watermelons and hot dogs and big bags of ice. Our cul-de-sac was overflowing with camping chairs, tables of food, and little kids running around in swimsuits. Our nation is celebrating today, bleeding red white and blue.

Oftentimes, I am guilty of placing America last in the national pride category. Compared with other countries, I just don’t feel like we’ve got that spontaneous patriotic spunk. Thankfully, today I was reminded that yes, we’ve got some spirit up in this neck of the woods. It may take a little planning, and a certain day marked on the calendar, but judging by the lines at the grocery store and flags in front of houses, we’re doing alright.

You see, I’ve spent the past 19 days wandering Europe, so today I soaked in the feel-good patriotic vibes, restocking my dose of America love. As happy as I would have been to stay put in Europe a little (or a lot) longer, it’s fitting that we made it back home in time for this day.

Jet lag: All I have to say is ouch, jet lag kills. I’m trying to overcome the desynchronosis with a good burger and vanilla ice cream, but so far it’s not working. It’s 10:09, and I can barely keep my eyes open.

Mama: My mama left her voice in Amsterdam, which means that my dad and I have taken over post-vacation household duties. The laundry’s done, groceries are in the fridge, and the dog is home. It also means that we spent quite a few hours today on the couch, catching up on episodes of The Bachelorette. It was quite a productive day.

Fun Fact/Stay Tuned: Sailing the rivers of Europe with baby boomers and grandparents is quite the experience. Brace yourselves because yes, I spent my vacation with 150 grandparents. And yes, I brought the average age of the ship down considerably. Stay tuned for post-vacation ramblings, stories, and photos.

I’m currently watching a fireworks show on TV and another out my front window. Happy birthday, America.

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